Saturday, April 28, 2012

Baby Shower Desserts


Here are pictures of the desserts I made for the baby shower. I only planned to bake cupcakes...but then I saw this cute Belgian chocolate hatching chick figurine on sale (Easter had just passed) so I was motivated to use it on top a cake.

Vanilla cupcakes disguised as cute little chicks.
Step 1: Bake vanilla cupcakes.
Step 2: Smooth on yellow buttercream icing on cupcake.
Step 3: Dip into yellow sugar sprinkles.
Step 4: With some yellow icing in a decorating bag, draw wings.
Step 5: Sprinkle wings with yellow sugar to cover.
Step 6: With orange icing in a decorating bag, draw beak and feet.
Step 7: Push in chocolate chips to make eyes.

Red velvet cake with buttercream icing and chocolate chick topper.
Step 1: Bake red velvet cake.
Step 2: Colour buttercream icing in three shades of blue and place in separate decorating bags. (Be careful when filling the bags to avoid air bubbles in the icing, or you'll end up with a poopy cake like mine.)
Step 3: Squeeze dots in a vertical column on side of cake in colour pattern.
Step 4: Use the back of a spoon to slightly flatten and drag to the right.
Step 5: Squeeze dots in a vertical column to the right of the previous flattened dots, slightly overlapping them.
Step 6: Flatten and drag with a spoon.
Step 7: Repeat the steps until you cover the entire side of cake.
Step 8: Continue process, in circles, to cover top of cake.
Step 9: Place cute hatching chick on top.

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